Contents (in english)
of  "Elektrische Energieversorgung 1" (Electric Power Systems 1), second edition (2007)
(711 p., 564 fig., more than 100 examples and exercises, in german)


Part I   Introduction, Bases (129 p., 119 fig.)      <---  link for more details !

1 Electric Power Systems 
2 Bases of Electrotechnics 
3 Bases of High Voltage Technics 

Part II   Elements of the Power System and Modelling (252 p., 218 fig.)

4 Transformers
5 Power Lines 
6 Synchronous Generators
7 Loads, Power Electronics
8 Switchgear 

Part III  Stationary Behavior of Symmetric 3-phase Systems,  of 3-Phase Networks
              with Unsymmetries and their Calculation (126 p., 104 fig.)

9    Symmetrical networks 
10  Networks with Unsymmetries 

Part IV   Lay-Out of Elements, Switching and Protection Problems (143 p., 116 fig.)

11  Lay Out of Networks Elements 
12  Short Circuit Stresses  
13  Circuit Breaker and Switching Phenomena 
14  Protections 

Annexes (35p. and tabl., 22 fig,)