Contents (in english)
of  "Elektrische Energieversorgung 2" (Electric Power Systems 2), second edition (2009)
(921 p., 612 fig., in german)


Part I    Energy economy  (218 p., 120' fig.)      <---  link for more details !

1 Energy economy and climate change  
2 Economic calculations 
3 Economy of electric power systems, liberalisation  

Part II   Electric power plants, Energy transformation (120 p., 103 fig.)

4 Hydroelectric power plants 
5 Thermoelectric power plants, heat pump  

Part III  Alternative electric energy production (88 p., 81 fig.)

6    Wind energy  
7    Photovoltaic energy  
8    Fuel cells  
9    Nuclear fusion  

Part IV   Control and stability of the electric power system (178 p., 134 fig.)

10  Modelling and simulation  
11  Speed and frequency-power control  
13  Synchronisation and power angle stability 
14  Voltage control and voltage stability 

Part V   Operation planning and control (216 p., 132 fig..)

14  Operation planning  
15  FACTS-elements 
16  Control and information technology 
17  Network control technology 

Annexes  (62 p.,  42 fig.)  

I      Thermodynamics  p. 771
II     Bases of nuclear physics  p. 787
III    Dynamics and control systems theory p. 799
IV   Reactive power calculation for the linear analysis of multimachine systems  p. 813
V    Optimization theory  p. 817
VI   Gamma function  p. 821
VII  Solution of exercises  p. 823
VIII Mollier-diagramm, refrigerating agents  p. 827