Part III   Alternative electricity production


6    Wind energy  p. 341

6.1   The cinetic energy of wind  341
6.2   Types of wind rotors and their power  346
6.3   Wind rotors with horizontal axes  349
6.4   Modern turbines with horizontal axis  353
6.5   Other wind turbines  354
6.6   Operation and control  360

7     Photovoltaic energy  p. 365

7.1   Physical bases, photoelectric effect  365
7.2   Photovoltaic effect, photocurrent  369
7.3   The solar cell, over-all efficiency  376
7.4   The sun as energy source  385
7.5   The photovoltaic system  397

8     Fuel cell  p. 405

8.1   Structure and types  405
8.2   Principle and model  407
8.3   Fuel cells for stationary applications  410

9     Nuclear fusion  p. 413

9.1   Bases of fusion process  413
9.2   The fusion reactor  415
9.3   State of the art and perspectives of nuclear fusion  425