Teil IV  Regulation and stability of power systems


10   Modelling and Simulation  p. 429

10.1  Models of generators and others feed-in elements 430
10.2  Load models  437
10.3  Network representation  441
10.4  Simulation programs  442

11   Speed and frequency regulation   p. 475

11.1  Primary regulation  476
11.2  Frequency regulation in isolated network  486
11.3  Frequency regulation in interconnected networks  489

12   Synchronisation und angle stability  p. 493

12.1  Synchronous group connected to a rigid network  493
12.2  Dynamics of small perturbations  504
12.3  Behaviour in case of important perturbations  511
12.4  Modelling of subsynchronous oscillations  522
12.5  Transient analysis of multi-machine systems 525
12.6  Linear analysis of multi-machine systems  541
12.7  Rotor angle stability and their analysis in operation practice  548

13   Voltage regulation and voltage stability  p. 563

13.1  Excitation system and voltage regulation of a synchronous generator (SG)  564
13.2  Regulation of tapped transformers  576
13.3  Regulated compensation systems  580
13.4  Static voltage stability of a SG  586
13.5  Voltage stability in the interconnected network  598
13.6  Dynamics  600